
blue or pink?

what do you think?

i went to register at babies r us the other day and my sister laughed at me because if this baby is a girl i don't want pink everywhere! i told her that i don't want the babies room to look like a bottle of pepto bismol exploded everywhere! she just had a little girl and is falling in love with pink (especially after 2 boys) but i just can't seem to get into it.

here is the thing- if you asked me what i felt like i was having, i would say girl! ugh! please no pink!

so back to babies r us- since i don't want to know the sex registering was funny. i determined that i like purples (which we all knew already, blues, browns, and greens) so regardless of the sex, i registered for what i liked. i have like one or two pink items just in case, but for the most part, i stayed away from pink.

i fell in love with this one bedding from pottery barn kids but my sister says it will only work for a girl but i think if i put lots of brown with it and some turtles i can pull it off:

she said i am a freak!

1 comment:

BFF LL said...

Well I am pro multi colors.. I like the pinks, the blues and everything else. My niece and nephew used the same baby room and it was a periwinkle and then had a tree and some other stuff... it worked for both. had a yellow dresser I think too.

Regardless all we care is happy and healthy. :)