

kinda forgot about the blogging world and have been told by my BFF that i better get this thing updated.

the past month and a half has been a disaster to tell you the truth. things with the husband have been nearly unbearable. i never talk about it but my husband has an issue with addiction. this past week has broken the camel's back! pray for us.

other than that- things have been going pretty good. the baby is doing great and my belly is getting bigger and bigger. i am at 5 months now- in my 20th week. i had my ultrasound this past week and the gender could not be determined. i have had the feeling that i am having a girl though and it terrifies me a bit.

the kids are great. junior has been kinda moody but for the most part he is a good kid. he really stepped out of line this week with a comment that he made but immediately apologized for it with tears in his eyes.

emily is my pot of gold. that girl is perfection in human form. love her to death.

lindalee, my BFF from college, is coming to visit in 2 weeks to see the big ol' belly and i can hardly stand it. with all the drama at home, i am so happy to have something to look forward to. she is considering moving closer, and i am praying that something opens up so that she will be able to do so. having her near would be life-changing for me.

bucket is about to give up on me but thank the good Lord above - she hasn't yet! i love you to pieces bucket. please hang in there with me forever! i need you around to help me take my mind off of things.

some upcoming posts to expect this week:
1. a LONG LONG LONG overdue thank you to my Angel Friend
2. ultrasound pictures and maybe (just for lele) a belly shot
3. recent layouts- don't worry- there is only 3
4. post of pics
5. baby stuff wish list...

have a good rest of the week. i promise, i am back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Freaking Finally.... well I did NOT do any scrapping today, dyed my hair instead! I will be there on the 8th!! WHOO HOOO!!!