
shhhh.... its a blog world secret!

Pregnancy Tickers


it has been a very long road for me and my husband to get to this point. after having cancer, i decided that enough is enough and i went to an infertility clinic to help us get pregnant.

the first step is a class with a nurse where we watch a video on infertility and the processes people can take to overcome it. then, at that appointment, blood work and semen analysis was ordered for me and my husband to show that we were healthy and ready to go.

one month later, we went in again and discussed what would happen next. my husbands semen analysis showed that he was just fine, which we already knew because he has two children already. so, the next step was for me to undergo Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) which was the most painful experience of my life. A thin tube is inserted into the vagina with a balloon attached. Once in the uterus, they blow up the balloon- this is where i nearly died- seriously, i nearly passed out- and insert a dye to make sure that the uterus and fallopian tubes are normal.

In my case, the doctor who performed this was horrible enough that I actually wrote a letter. I walked out of there feeling like I had been raped. It was not fun. Since then, people that I have talked to have agreed with me that this is the most painful test we as women have ever had to endure.

At our next appointment, we got the results. The HSG showed that I had blockage to one fallopian tube. This was okay though because all I needed was one to be open in order to conceive. It was at this point that an internal ultrasound to examine my ovaries. At that point, I only had one egg so I was placed on Clomid which is a medication used in infertility treatments to increase the number of eggs produced so that conception is more likely.

On the third day of my period I began to take the Clomid pills. Two a day for five days. Once the cycle was done, I went in for another internal ultrasound and I had produced two additional eggs. That appointment was on a Friday.

Finally, it was time to take an ovulation kit for the week. I had to take one test everyday for seven days. If on the seventh day, the kit never turned positive, I had to call and go in again. If it did turn positive, that day I had to call in and schedule insemination for the following morning.

THis week seemed never ending!!!! Finally, on the seventh day, it turned positive. This was November 19th and intrauterine insemination occurred on November 20th.

I was instructed to wait two weeks. If my period came, we would try again. If it did not, we would take a pregnancy test. Now, here's the tricky part- my period did come. For one day. So I was instructed to take the PT on Dec. 4th. I couldn't stand it. So I waited until I got home from work and finally decided to pee on that little stick.

I peed on the stick and it told me what I have now shared with you. I didn't believe it. So a few hours later, I peed on another stick. And the results were the same.

During last week, I bled but the doctor and nurses said not to worry. I bled for about 4 days total and had to record times and color and such. After my early ultrasound, however, I feel totally at ease. And after a week of pure anxiety, it is a good feeling.

I had my early ultrasound on Dec. 22nd and told my mom and sister that I was pregnant on Christmas Eve. I told my In-Laws Christmas morning. So now, I can share the news with you.

I will wait to tell work for a few more weeks. Just because I need to make sure everything works out during the rest of this first trimester.

I know it seems like only a few months and BAM- I'M PREGGERS! but it has actually been years of heartache and disappointment. So now, now that it is finally happening to me, I couldn't be happier!


Anonymous said...

congratulations... wahoo good news

Anonymous said...

How exciting....Congratulations!!!

Alison said...

How very exciting.....CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG APRIL!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! Congratulations you deserve this beautiful news.

Lisa Spiegel said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so freaking happy for you!!!! No wonder you barfed in Buckets car!!!!It all makes sense now!

Melissa :) said...

I am soooo happy for you. You deserve some happy positive great news. Big Hugs!!!

Megan R said...

BEST NEWS EVER!!!! I'm so excited for you April. You so deserve this amazing news and experience! Hugs my friend, and hang in their. hopefully that nasty morning sickness will pass soon :o)

Juls said...

See, we didn't even get a chance for you to tell me how you completely got to this point. And I did that HSG test as well. It wasn't pretty but at least it tells you if there's a problem which helps everyone game plan what steps are necessary. You know how happy I am for you. I'm here for you every step of the way, especially because (most of it) is still fresh in my head.

Susy* said...

CONGRATULATIONS my friend...I am so flippin Happy for you. You deserve this and so much more. (Doing the happy dance right now...WOO HOO!!

Lifes Moments said...

Congratulations April! I am sooo thrilled for you. Bucket sent me the link to your blog and I am so excited for you. I pray that God blesses you and your husband and family with a healthy baby!